Monday, December 8, 2008

Misguided Fashion

Spotted On Broadway and 39th at 854 AM

Someone carrying a tote with the quote, "Children are the Orgasm of Life".

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

VS Fashion Show

1st group- Lame and boring- looked like the "Angels" brand. Channeled equestrian/ Dior metal harness look from Fall '08 runway but mixed with pastels. Usher sucked and made me tired.

Group 2- MUCH more fabulous!! Clear and Black Vynil, black lace and rhinestones. Glamorous, slightly retro and hot for Miami. This is the type of fantasy we want to see in a recession- or anytime...

Pink- Oversized scarf was lame but otherwise styleing was very cute. The "Fairisle sweater" wings were adorable. Lots of sparkle in unexpected applications such as on buffalo checks.

Black/ White group of "giftwrapped girls"- bows were the main detail weather in print or in strands of rhinestones. It felt similar to the second group but the 2nd group was harder edged. This was a good look.

-The on stage orchestra- made it all more more refined!
-Broad range of music segment to segment
-The red confetti raining down
-Runway layered with glitter
-The fresh makeup- gold dusted onto the outer edge of cheecks and eyes looked dewey and sweet.

-Can we stop the "Models pretending to be actors" thing?
-Shameless panning of the celebrity set in the audience
-No me gusta dating tips from the VS Models.
-Knowing that since this is pre-recorded I won't see any models eat the runway.

What do you think celebs get paid to go to this event and sit in the audience? Clearly they are not there for the innovative fashion since it's all a publicity stunt and mostly just highly styled pieces from the store.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday in Manhattan

This Black Friday I went to Bloomingdales, DKNY, Barney's, Bendel's and Bergdorfs.

Key points at Bloomingdales: Lots of people on the contemporary floor- looked like mostly self shopping. They had fabulous holiday dresses and tops and it seemed to be the bulk of interest. I went up to the sleepwear floor since sleepwear usually sells so well at Xmas- there was almost no one there. On the other hand- the bra sales rack were swarmed. No one was looking at regularly priced racks. In the windows- it was all Juicy Couture- a big push for that even throughout the store in multiple departments.

DKNY: Now this came as a surprise to me: They had a deal where it was buy 2 sale items get one for $1. Now note- everything was on sale and it all looked like early fall leftovers. All racks had the "buy 2 get one for $1 tag on them" with the $1 as the biggest attention grabber. It all looked pretty low budget and needless to say- it was difficult to find 2 things you wanted to buy in the firstplace.

Barney's: Their theme was "Have a Hippie Holiday". They had 60's music playing and has large peace signs throughout the store. Other than the windows and decor- I did not see much "peace and love"about the fashions- other than some psychadelic color- playing into this theme.

Bergdorf's-Bergdorfs definitely gets first prize again this year for their AMAZING window. Every window was all white and silver and had a "Winter Wonderland" feeling. Absolutely beautiful. Then inside the first floor as decorated with white boughs and silver pinecones- very luxe but homey too. It definitely gets you into the gift giving mood.

Bendels: Has an "Arabian Nights" theme on their main floor. They had life size ostriches dripped in jewels on all main tables. All about color and luxury. Merchandise was bejewelled and full of glitz and skins to play into the theme. Very fun.

Overall- not as many shoppers as I would have expected. 5th avenue was full of shoppers compared to other areas but people were not carrying many bags this year- On average only 1 if they had on at all.

I think with everyone being so cautious this year people are waiting later to buy because then it will feel more like a "necessity" because of the deadline. Seems that shoppers will justify a good sale item for themselves anytime.

Overall themes in trend were very schizophrenic from store to store. Could be a case of throwing anything against the wall to see what sticks in uncertain times but very different tastes are definitely being targeted between these store that normally have a lot of cross shopping.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bad Hair in Advertising

Brought to you by Lenscrafters

Monday, November 24, 2008

Men in Suits- An AMA Recap

It is a great time for men's fashion. It wasn't that long ago when music awards meant little more than showing up in a tee shirt and jeans (think Eminem in all his rebelliousness). Now men (and boys)are showing up in suits and looking positively gentlemanly and super ferosh! Is this the Gossip Girl effect tricking down? We particularly like the Ralph Lauren suits worn by the Jonas brothers during their live performance.
Some tips from Tasty:
Do not attempt the slim shiny suit/ skinny tie look unless
1. You are between the ages of 16-33
2. You are slim and lanky
3. You are Joe McHale or some other celebrity/musician/ entertainment industry worker
4. You are at an evening event or party
5. To pull of this look in places other than La La land- rock the jacket and tie with some slim black slacks or slim dark wash denim.

I am feeling the need to express how thrilled I am that last Friday CNN wrote an article yesterday about first lady fashion (This is the article if your interested I have to say that on election night I found myself fascinated in what Michelle Obama was wearing. Bangle bracelets, hoop earrings, hair that did not look like a helmet. jacked arms and a fabulous Narcisco Rodriguez dress. Although the dress with its unusual criss cross waist detail in my opinion was a brazen choice that she herself did not look completely comfortable in- I applauded her move to take that giant step out the box and try something unexpected. It was so cliche' to see Sarah Palin and Cindy McCain exiting the stage on election night in identical basic blah blah first lady suit dresses and coiffed hairdos. Obama was a breath of fresh fashion air. So what will Michelle be wearing on Inaugeration night on January 2009? For the inaugeration we recommend:
from left: A ruffled boucle' long jacket from St. John, a stunning draped dress from Luca Luca or a belted tweed jacket with sequined tweed skirt from Oscar de la Renta. Stunning!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Gucci's Man Fragrance ad

On the left: A raccoon
On the right: James Franco for Gucci

Franco's expression looks as though you surprised him while he was rummaging through your trash.
Think about it.